For Employers

We encourage companies to reach out to MIT SWE members with career opportunities and by co-hosting events.

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Partnership Opportunities

The MIT Society of Women Engineers is eager to connect companies with our members through events. We are currently looking for companies to partner with us on events for our 2016 fall semester. Partnership for all events is free of cost. Please fill out both of the forms below to let us know more about your company and what events you would like to attend or host.

Company Information

Job Postings

If you want to advertise your company's job posting to the MIT SWE community, please send an email to with a plain text blurb (no images or hyperlinks) about the position and how to apply.

Email us


If you are interested in providing monetary support to the MIT Society of Women Engineers chapter, please visit the Giving to MIT site below. For alternative methods of giving, please click the second link and direct the donation to the Society of Women Engineers (2535400).

Giving to MIT SWE

Alternative Methods of Giving